Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ten percent

Scientists already know how to win the majority of ailments, but so far can only do so in vitro.

Mythical Philosopher's Stone had the property not only to turn into gold everything, but to give the owner of eternal youth. A century later, it turned out that this is not such a utopia. However, current approaches to the problem of prolonging life is as different from the medieval Tibetan Herbal Massage as modern biotechnology on alchemical experiments. Be that as it may, today, science is on the verge of great discoveries. And there is hope that in the coming years - the maximum decades - scientists will be ready to hand shaken humanity panacea - a cure for all (well, almost all) of disease. A kind of philosopher's stone of our days.

Search and Destroy

In an ordinary person such a statement would only unbelieving smile - what kind of panacea may be involved, if not yet even invented a cure for banal flu? Antipyretics and immunomodulating not count.

And here you are mistaken. The tool, in fact, already have. The fundamental formula is known, above him a long way with scientists from the Institute of Chemical Biology and SPA World Fundamental Medicine, SB RAS. However, when finished tablets reach real patients - still a big question. But it is already clear that the direction is very promising, promising a lot of success and victories.

Strictly speaking, it is clear this was not today and not yesterday. Nearly forty years ago, the institute had not yet Academician Dmitry Knorre and a leading chemist in his laboratory Nina Grineva The use of flax in Spa have begun to develop methods for the synthesis of nucleic acids to influence with their help on intracellular processes. The selected area was not just a promise, but a breakthrough. At the turn of the XXI century scientists managed to peek Spa treatment kingdom of underwater depth into the inner sanctum of nature - the internal structure of the gene. And not only look, but fundamentally there pohozyaynichat.

- If a physicist declared a priority area of research on the scale "nano" has been new and maloizvedannoy, for us, molecular biologists, is a world quite familiar, - the director IHMFM Academician Valentin Vlasov. - We have always worked with nano-objects, as DNA, proteins, cells, viruses, bacteria, which constitute the scope of our interests, just have a nanoscale. What we are doing more than twenty years, except Bionanotechnology not name.

Today, scientists are able to build chains of nucleotides (called oligonucleotides) - synthetic analogs of fragments of natural DNA and RNA. Already have special machines - so-called DNA synthesizers that "slander" chain predetermined structure and length. Incidentally, the only Russian manufacturer of such machines - the company "Biosset" - is in Novosibirsk Akademgorodok. It not only provides all the synthesizers national science, but also exports these devices in two dozen foreign countries - from U.S. to Malaysia.

As is known, natural oligonucleotide is able to find and recognize their complementary counterparts. Two chains are suitable to each other, as the key to the castle, and the same, like two halves of a zipper. Similarly behaves a synthetic oligonucleotide. This property of the Spa in the Beauty Salon scientists decided to use to combat the pathogens of various ailments. Let the synthetic nucleic acid will be weapons, and a fragment of a hostile genes - the target. We construct the desired chain, run it in the free search - and she finds and infects a given goal. It turns out that, in principle, can create a cure for practically any disease - from viral infections to cancer and genetic abnormalities.

This method was called antisense technology, and in due time stirred up the entire global biological community. It seemed - there it is, panacea, universal remedy for all ills. However, the reality was far more complicated - that took shape on paper and worked in vitro, in vivo was faltering and complications.

- Synthesize oligonucleotides of a given length and structure, we are able. Problems are not here, - said the deputy director ICBFM Ph.D. Dmitry Lush. - The problem is - how to deliver our "weapons" in a cage. The nature itself is protected from any cell of foreign intervention, from any alien nucleic acids. Overcoming these barriers - a very difficult task.

Influenza to cancer

Today, members of the Institute (as do their counterparts around the world) are looking for ways to cheat nature and smuggle the synthetic nucleotide across the cell membrane by hiding it inside the nanoparticles. For these purposes, typically use harmless lipids. Once inside the SPA therapy cell and released from the lipid camouflage nucleotide can "shoot" and hit the malicious gene. In ICBFM SB RAS those problems involved in the laboratory of Dr. Marina biology Zenkova. Scientists have found several promising options nanoparticles.

However, to solve the problem of transport drugs into the cell - this is half the battle. It is important not to cause harm to the body - that delivered the hard-drug, as sometimes happens, does not turn into poison. Who knows how to behave fragments created by human DNA-containing structures - where they then want to surprise the researcher to fit into and what side effects cause. The body - no tube, here all processes are much more complicated and less predictable.

With these and similar problems faced scientists towards a "cure-all. But happen along the way and unexpected discoveries. Suddenly it turns out that a certain compound gives a unique biological effect - and it can patent a new drug is effective.

It was so notorious and found a cure for influenza. Employees of the institute have found chemical groups capable of The concept of Spa-zone destroying the RNA - literally tearing it apart. Developers Marina Zenkov and her colleague Dr. Vladimir Chemistry Silnikov implied connect these groups to oligonucleotides to cleave and inactivate RNA target. But it turned out that by themselves, these compounds can be used as drugs - including, to combat influenza.

I must say that the influenza virus genome consists entirely of RNA (as opposed to the human genome). The obtained compound behaves very curious: it destroys the genetic information of the virus, and the virion remains intact and seemingly unharmed. He can no longer multiply, can cause fever, runny nose and other customary for flu symptoms. On the other hand is able, once in the body to initiate an immune response - roughly speaking, to act as a kind of inoculation. So scientists have received drugs and vaccines in the literal sense in one bottle.

- Potentially, we are able today to settle any molecular cellular processes involving nucleic acids, - says Dmitry Lush. - It means almost endless possibilities for therapy.

And if earlier it was believed that oligonucleotides in the antisense technology has the potential to affect only the genetic material, it is now clear that the nucleic "weapons" can be used to "hunt" on virtually any harmful compounds - as low molecular weight (drugs, poisons), and macromolecular (proteins, viruses).

The fact that the oligonucleotide chain can not only communicate with the complementary fragment, but also install the interatomic bonds within itself, taking a variety of spatial forms. And if there is a corresponding form of this molecular target, such an oligonucleotide recognizes her, seize and deprive the way of activity. Now there technologies selection of furnished space polymers (aptamers), aimed at specific types of ligands. Take a target molecule, and poured her a pool of various nucleic acids. Some of them are fixed, the remaining swaps, biologists isolate the desired form and copy - and here we are, ready to biological weapons against another enemy.

- Creation of aptamers and other variants of antisense technology - all this is very promising, - says Dmitry Lush. - We already have a number of interesting patents - just take the same remedy against influenza. Why it does not reach practical application? The problem is the absence of an interested Chemical Peels customer in the face of pharmaceutical companies. The task of scientists - to multiply the scientific knowledge that we are doing. Will the real order and appropriate funding - we are ready to make our developments in specific products.

How are you? Presentation of your passport!

If the drugs based on antisense technology, there are still only in idea, in theory, in vitro, the molecular diagnosis has already used extensively. The principle is generally the same: there is a so-called markers - proteins or genetic information, which must find and recognize, and there is a certain connection (probe), which will be able to do it. A probe that was simpler, using polymerase chain reaction. This is the same all the known PCR-diagnostics, which is now used in all clinical laboratories.

Infection with tick-borne encephalitis, tuberculosis or other serious infections defined as the time in this way. The idea is to increase the authenticity strictly defined fragments of genetic material. One molecule of "detect" almost impossible, but when these molecules will be a million, here the probe is not exactly miss.
Now scientists all over the world and the Institute of Chemical Biology, in particular looking for molecular markers for each disease and the related compounds-probes. Of course, the hottest The direct road to a beautiful belly topic today - oncology. How to find just one specific piece of DNA, which determines that it is - really cancer or other ailment? And if cancer, breast, stomach or intestines?

This is an incredibly complex, time-consuming task, requiring a great number of clinical trials. Especially when you consider that a reliable marker for the diagnosis of the same cancer is not enough. And in the case of multifactorial diseases - such as hypertension - is described not one, not five, not ten, but hundreds of markers and, therefore, hundreds of probes.

If you take a set of probes, we get a diagnostic chip. Ideology chip diagnosis among their first proposed and implemented by scientists from the Moscow Institute of Molecular Biology under the direction of his scientific research of academicians and Makarov. In their Siberian counterparts have their own know-how, for example, the latest sensational development of the laboratory of Alexander Sinyakova - unique in the world microchip, which determines all known strains of influenza type A, avian and swine to the usual seasonal viruses. Involved more than 300 probes, each - for credibility - clustered, that is repeated dozens of times, and all this "economy" on a small glass plate. An indispensable tool for epidemiologists and vivid example of Bionanotechnology.
Several years ago, the same laboratory in collaboration with SRC "Vector" has developed a chip for the determination of all types of smallpox. And their colleagues from the laboratory Bionanotechnology have the chip for analysis of different forms of hepatitis C. In the next two years should see a chip for detection of GMOs - genetically moditsifirovannyh organisms.

- Creation of such chips at our institute is already well-developed, - says Dmitry Lush. - And if tomorrow will come to us a scientist and say: Behold, I have 350 markers for such a disease, I need 350 probes - that our employees during the week will be able to design these probes, yet another week goes on the synthesis, oligonucleotides are then ready fix on a chip - and the resulting "set" can already be used for diagnosis.

At the same chip technology and gene-based diagnostics. Only if the usual chip, designed for the analysis of, say, the flu, contains hundreds of elements, in large, complex, analytical chips these elements - in the millions. Imagine: the patient delivers a few drops of blood for analysis and receives almost complete diagnostic picture - than he was ill, suffering from what is now and what risk disease in the future. It's called - Passport Health. Above the creation of such a universal diagnosticum scholars today still work, but some of the pages of the passport can be completed today.

- Are now known to thousands of genetic mutations, for which the exact connection is established with a specific disease. But that one single mutation defined a specific disease - what nature is rarely the case - says academician Vlasov. - Usually, mutations must be many - so that the remaining pages of the genetic passport we will in the coming years to fill and fill.

Games are played biologists

In 1990, biologists and geneticists voiced sensation: the world science is taken to decipher the human genome. Shared areas of work among leading countries, and began when - decoded five percent, ten percent, a quarter of the genome ... It was expected that the project will be completed within 15 years and will cost three billion dollars. However, the science behind it is time to step forward and plan failed prematurely.
Today the genome not only rights, but also bees, rice, wheat, Chinese panda bears and even a Neanderthal. Now they find out what different genetic information from people of different nationalities. Already, special machines - sequencers nucleic acids, which are read from the What is SPA? genes of the genome, both from an open book. While such machines are produced mainly in the U.S., but in the near future such a project will be launched in the SB RAS. Our scientists are hoping that the Siberian sequencers will be no worse than the imported equivalent.

The pace of development and achievements that demonstrate modern biotechnology, are stunning. Just over a quarter century ago, was opened polymerase chain reaction, for which its authors received the Nobel Prize. Today, PCR diagnosis has become quite an everyday occurrence, and is used in all laboratories. Twenty years ago, Russian scientist, Academician Andrei Mirzabekov put forward the idea of creating chips. Then it seemed impossible - now recognized as one of the 100 best inventions of the Millennium, and now chip technology booming around the world.

Another direction bionanotehnogy - creation of new materials. This is called DNA origami, - when the proteins and nucleic acids themselves fit into the space, forming different patterns, ribbons, intricate three-dimensional shapes. You can synthesize a chain that has evolved into a bird, a ball or even a word.

- It's not just an experiment for fun - explains academician Vlasov. - Applications of such structures can be the most unexpected. For example, in a certain way of coiled DNA obtained rough surface - a fee, which is convenient to fix the molecule-elements. And now we already have new material for microelectronics, and its nanoscale give a completely different possibilities.

In the near future at the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, will be worked out reliable methods of diagnosing breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate. At the finish line comes a cure for influenza and a chip on genetically modified organisms. This is what scientists say is already a certainty.
But every year brings new discoveries and achievements. And now, apparently, molecular biology, on the verge of tremendous breakthroughs. While there is accumulation of knowledge, capabilities, ways of influence on the cell - so that later, in another ten years, "shoot" a great qualitative leap.

And it may very well be that in the end we really got a panacea - an absolute cure-all or almost certain ailments today, and the average human life will be longer with an extra couple of decades. It is true that scientists themselves prefer to talk about it with caution.

- Of course, everything depends not only on what doctors and biologists will be able to offer, but also on how the man himself would refer to himself, - says Dmitry Lush. - But in any case, we will live longer, better and healthier.

And in the end, as previously happened more than once, for a long time to fool nature unlikely. Surely she has in store for us new surprises - new and unknown ailments today, which has yet to face humanity. So relax not work. And the next generation of scientists, biologists and medical practitioners can find how to apply the talent and strength.

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