Sunday, September 27, 2009

How to relax after a hard day's work?

In our fast and dynamic world hard to give due attention to the very expensive, your health. This complex will recover quickly, after or before exams, during or after work, and simply for better health.

Everyone gets tired after work and everyone wants to feel it soon came quickly back to normal, of course, that can not be instant, but we can give a tool that helps you have a good rest after a hard day's work.

Imagine that you come home feeling depressed and helpless condition. You do not want anything, only to fall into bed and sleep for a long time and how can stronger. But this does not help you to fully recover the energy spent by the day. As you lie down comfortably on the bed, calm down, think about the good, lie a couple of minutes. Then stand up, shake. Right-hand (as you are fun) in a circular motion massage the crown of his head and left in a clockwise Iron the stomach itself, and then massage behind the ears, but try to do it very gently and carefully so that your ears are not red.

Lie down with closed eyes in the back. Imagine a green field, a clear blue sky, fragrant flowers, beautiful birds sitting on branches. Feel the smell of flowers and singing birds.

For those who can not be satisfied, we have some other recommendations. First, in order to become calmer, you need to sit down with my eyes closed and to submit something or someone you love, imagine how all the negative energy out of you and dissolves in the air. Then get up, run through on the spot, Bend over forward, then backward. If you come home you have to headache and you can not even read one line from the book, to the headache went away you need more fingers to rub in the top and bottom of the ears.

This method helps in frequent cases, but if it does not help you, you can use another method. Using both hands, stroking his head from his forehead to the nape. When the pain in the muscles of the body you have to massage every muscle, but so do you want to massage the feet and every finger points are in the middle finger.

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Monday, September 21, 2009

Keep it up! Or it's time to think about ED prevention!

When a person has high fever, ear pain or migraines occur frequently - he goes to the doctor and trust him to find a way to get rid of disease. However, there is a problem when faced with that, men all over the world prefer to samoedstvom, destroy relationships with loved ones, to lose faith in themselves, but in no case shall be recognized in the presence of complications. We are talking about erectile dysfunction.

"On average, men have been slow for two years before they come to the doctor. They do not realize that you can not run the disease - from this will only get worse! "- Says Ian Russell, a practicing urologist specialist from Scotland. By the same conclusion reached by U.S. scientists. They calculated that about half of men who had changed his forties, have problems with potency, while only a tenth of them turn to a doctor.

Meanwhile, impotence can and should be treated with the active assistance of a specialist. Have purchased Viagra, etc. drugs alone, you can temporarily get a good effect, in the future to forget about the joy of sexual life. Because very often "male weakness" is merely a consequence and not the main problem.

Causes of Impotence

According to researchers, the most common sexual disorder in men is erectile dysfunction, that is inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. Impotence same, that is complete impotence - is much rarer.

The reasons for impotence quite a lot. First of all, all men are setbacks, and it is perfectly normal. In addition, some drugs affect the potency, and their reception at a time can deprive male power. Your doctor may find an analogue without this side effect, and all return to square one.

But there are more serious causes of impotence, which, however, with the help of a qualified doctor is possible. Men's weakness may be the result of some other disease. The list of the add is quite large: hormonal failure, diabetes, depression, severe stress and other psychological problems. Not so long ago, doctors found that impotence is often a marker originating from heart problems. Andrew McCall, Director of Male Urology, Medical University of New York, led a very good example: "If the kitchen from the tap water is not flowing, it means that either the faucet is broken or clogged pipes. The person "crane" in most cases to blame cholesterol plaques formed in arteries and impede blood flow freely. Therefore, it is important not to lose time and time to see a doctor. For problems with the heart - the most common cause of early male mortality.
Diagnosis of Impotence

A specialist must first make sure that impotence is absolute. Because even if only in 1 case out of 100 all turns out, the reasons will almost certainly be found in the field of psychology.

Doctor identifies a problem with the inspection (for example, testicular length less than 3.5 cm indicates hormonal imbalance). Of all the possible tests detect most violations of blood sugar, because even early diabetes can cause impotence. On the causes of their impotence can not imagine sitting at home, because the general feeling it may be quite normal. Meanwhile, a simple diet is able to return "power" and confidence.

To prevent atherosclerosis measured by pulse rate, then validated reflexes, pain sensitivity and the presence of minor neurological disorders. Moreover, by simple manipulation specialist measured blood flow to the penis.

Impotence Treatment

Treatment of sexual disorders almost always complex. This specialist first thoroughly to find out how and why you had to go to the doctor, and only then will propose a plan for solving problems. If there is another illness, it primarily focuses on it. For treatment, in fact, sexual dysfunction are special medications, vacuum-konstriktornaya therapy, surgery and psychotherapy.

Which is better: sports drinks or water?

Are sports drinks better than water? If sports training lasts less than 60 minutes, the water - it's all you need. If exercise lasts more than an hour, it is better to use sports drinks.

The fact is that the sweating from the body is displayed together with the salt water. If this deficit is not replenished, dehydration occurs. Sports drinks contain electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and water. These compounds replace lost fluids faster than water. Sports drinks also contain carbohydrates, which activate muscles work.

Kids and sports drinks

Particularly important to carry out correction fluid loss in children. After all, unlike the adult child's body is unable to regulate its water-electrolyte balance. Sports drinks can effectively fill the balance.

How much fluid is needed?

The volume of fluid intake depends on the type and intensity of physical activity, the level of individual metabolism and body weight and external conditions. As a rule, it is enough to consume 100-150 ml of fluid every 20 minutes during exercise, and drink the liquid at the beginning and end.

Do not wait for the sense of thirst, as it is nothing as evidence of significant dehydration. Too large amount of fluid can reduce the concentration of sodium and lead to the so-called "water poisoning.

Use of sports drinks in high volume can lead to fluid retention in the body and adversely affect the stomach. To avoid this, dilute sports drinks half water.

Carefully read the label

Carefully read the label on the packaging of sports drink. Make sure it contains at least 6 and not more than 8 percent carbohydrates. If the drink contains more than 8 percent carbohydrates, this can lead to cramps, diarrhea and nausea. Carbohydrate content of less than 6 per cent did not provide the required amount of energy.

Other liquid

Fitness drinks are the best choice during training. They do not contain carbohydrates, as a consequence do not raise the energy level of an athlete. But energy drinks should not be consumed during exercise, as they contain caffeine, leading to dehydration. Tea and coffee also contain caffeine and does not contain electrolytes, which can not be used to replenish fluid and electrolyte balance.

Make your choice

Everyone is well placed to make your own sports drink. Here are three possibilities:

* Isotonic: for mid-level athletes. Mix 200 ml of concentrated orange juice with one liter of water and add a pinch of salt.
* Hypotonic: For athletes with low levels of sweating (jockeys and gymnasts). Ingredients are the same as in the previous recipe, but used 100 ml of juice.
* Hypertensive: for distance runners and those who need a higher level of carbohydrates and electrolytes. The same recipe, but with the addition of 400 ml of juice.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Talking about erectile dysfunction should immediately make a reservation in the terminology. Today, most professionals involved in "men's problems" used the term erectile dysfunction. The term "impotence" has gone. It is not an accurate description of the status and widespread expression in everyday life led to his "discredited" as a medical term. Today the word "impotence" and "impotent" are "vulgar invective" hue, and therefore, unacceptable in a conversation between patient and doctor. Given the link between violations of erection and mental condition, urologists, sexologists and psychotherapists have decided to abandon the punch at the highest level. We will also adhere to this terminology, which, strictly speaking, is reflected in the name of our site. Impotent here. All fixable.
So, what is erectile dysfunction. In 1992, the world's leading urologists have agreed to understand by this state of inability to achieve or maintain adequate erection of the penis, which in turn reduces or prevents satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Unfortunately, erectile dysfunction phenomenon is so widespread that he was dedicating today scientific conferences and symposia. Some of its type devoted to dozens of scholarly monographs.

According to the most approximate estimates, only in the U.S. suffer from erectile dysfunction about 10 million men. According to German scientists, the figure in the united Germany is approaching 5 million. It is obvious that in Russia, men who have erectile dysfunction, not fewer. Chronic stress, characteristic of a society in a difficult economic period, unhealthy diet and as a consequence of atherosclerosis, smoking, playing a negative role in the state of the sexual sphere of people. And men and women.

Today there is no doubt that the emergence of erectile dysfunction is associated with a number of reasons, each of which individually and / or in combination with others can lead to unpleasant consequences.

There are five main causes leading to erectile dysfunction.

1. Psychological disorders

* Depression
* Addiction
* Alcoholism
* Specific psychiatric disorders - fear of sexual impotence, sexual depleted appliances, etc.

2. Endocrine disorders

* Decrease the function of sexual glands (hypogonadism)
* Diabetes
* Prolaktinoma (pituitary tumor)
* Sarcoidosis with lesions of certain areas of the brain

3. Respiratory system disorders:

* Atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels in the penis on a background of diabetes, smoking, excess cholesterol, hypertension
* Blockage of arteries of the pelvis, as a result of fractures of the pelvis
* Violation of the circulation of blood in the vessels of the penis (penile angiospasm), as a result of smoking, taking certain drugs
* Malfunction of the venous system of the penis
* A combination of different causes

4. Organic (anatomical) changes in penile

* Peyronie's disease
* Fibrosis and sclerosis of cavernous tissue of the penis, as a consequence of trauma, injury, inflammatory diseases, etc.)

5. Neurological disorders

* Cerebrovascular accident
* Diseases of the spinal cord
* Sclerosis
* Toxic peripheral neuropathy
* Parkinson's disease

It is important to note that in most cases, erectile dysfunction is a consequence of several factors. Thus, according to scientists, 80 percent of all erectile dysfunction, due to the influence of diabetes, hypertension and smoking. Often these causes superimposed psychological problems. Therefore, elucidation of the specific causes of erectile dysfunction should be conducted by qualified and experienced doctor, to break free of the problems exclusively own specialty.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Drug Levitra

Modern culture is actively cultivates an image of the male macho and sex-giant, which "may literally always. But let's face it: macho man - a man too, and nothing human is alien to him. Even the "Iron" and strong-willed man is safe from erectile dysfunction. Why? Because an erection - is a delicate and complex process that depends on a combination of many psychological and physiological factors.

The process of erection is as follows: as a result of sexual stimulation, so-called cavernous and spongy body of penis filled with blood. These bodies are like enlarged in size vessels, to be exact - vascular network. Filled with blood, they are increasing in volume and gain elasticity, which leads to well-known result. But the initial impetus to the emergence of an erection proceeds from the brain. The reasons for erectile dysfunction may lie as well as in the field of psychology and human physiology.
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Problems with erection may occur against a background of fatigue, sleeplessness, or, say, a conflict with a partner - but in this case, vacation, or a frank conversation quickly correct the situation. Just another question - if problems with erections become permanent. In this case, you must thoroughly check the health, since erectile dysfunction - is just one of the manifestations and consequences of diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, chronic prostatitis, etc.

And of course, in addition to treating the underlying disease, which could lead to erectile dysfunction, modern medicine has a vast arsenal of tools that solve the problem of erectile dysfunction. A long time ago how to practice such as injecting drugs, which introduced a needle into the body of the penis, or suppositories for introduction into the urethra. Currently, these methods of therapy for erectile dysfunction are considered obsolete and often unsafe. Today, their place was taken by agents of inhibitors of phosphodiesterase 5-th type. Preparations of this group provide the relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of the arteries, thus increasing blood flow to the tissues of the penis, and a man can achieve an erection sufficient for full sexual intercourse. Today, there are several drugs of this type, and the latest development - drug Levitra, which in many ways superior to its competitors. First, the effect of Levitra begins 10 minutes after taking the pills: Levitra - fastest product of a group of inhibitors of phosphodiesterase. The advantages of such "efficiency" are obvious: no need to plan the time of intercourse, but those 10-15 minutes are needed for the start of Levitra, you can take a prelude ... In addition, more active drug Levitra, and thus contains a smaller dose of the active substance, and This means that the risk of side effects is also reduced. And the effectiveness of Levitra is proved by numerous tests - an average of 9 out of 10 men achieved erections after taking the drug (of course, in the presence of sexual arousal - and it depends only on the partners!).

So, do not cry macho, but quickly and constructively sort out the mess "delicate" issue.

Impotence Treatment

One in ten men aged between 20 and 50 years suffer from erection disorders, and problems are increasing with age. But not all are trying to solve the problem of impotence. Sooner or later, this problem affects every man.
Causes of Impotence

Erection in men - a unique process and it has not been studied until the end. Erectile dysfunction may be psychological, hormonal, or vascular in nature.

Impotence - complete lack of erection or so strong it weakened, which makes it impossible to introduce a penis into the vagina. Vascular factors account for up to 60% of all causes of organic impotence.

Impotence is not considered and the first failure with a new sexual partner. Often the reason there may be either overexcitation of the forthcoming sexual intimacy, or fear of failure. Congenital forms of impotence are rare.

Adverse effects on men's health have ionizing radiation, electromagnetic waves of ultrahigh frequency, number of chemicals present in water and foodstuffs.

The probability of impotence increases with age, it is connected with the main causes of impotence: disease, medication, reduced function of the endocrine glands, chronic fatigue, psychological and domestic problems. Medications Raunatin, rauvazan, adelfan and clonidine, appointed in hypertension, may reduce sexual potency. The excessive use of hypnotics and sedatives can also lead to impotence.

Alcohol itself does not cause impotence, but also affects the nervous system, the psyche, the endocrine organs, sex glands, brain, liver and testes. But the inability to perform sexual act because of the large doses of alcohol is not impotence.
Impotence Treatment

Basically impotence is directly linked to vascular disease, especially atherosclerosis. Vascular lesions are among the main causes of impotence. It breaks the flow of arterial blood to the penis and the venous outflow. The first task of the doctor on a male disease, is to determine the nature of impotence. By the way the disease develops, it can be concluded either on organic or psychological cause of impotence. But more often require special study.

When in the world medicine was dominated by a conservative approach to the treatment of impotence, and impotence, the majority of men seeking treatment for impotence to a psychiatrist or sexologist. In recent years, many have resorted to the assistance of a surgeon.

Often, impotence in men is the organic form of the disease. in this case helps to medical or surgical treatment. Already conducted successful operations to restore blood flow to the penis. Impotence may be due to diseases of endocrine glands, and impotence may occur as a result of injuries of the pelvis and the perineum, or operations on the perineum and prostate.

Men's prostate and prostate adenoma often are not direct causes of impotence, but exacerbate disorders of erection.
Organic impotence

Exclude organic causes can be through the study of nocturnal erections. During the night of sleep is 5.6 erections lasting 15-30 minutes. If a patient with complaints during the examination revealed full nocturnal erections, the disease is a functional one. Typically, in this case does not require active treatment. Implementation of the recommendations namely a sexologist can lead to the restoration of erection. If nocturnal erections do not, the disease is organic and sexologist not help. To confirm the nature of organic impotence must conduct additional surveys, including the determination of testosterone and prolactin in the blood. If the diagnosis of organic impotence raised, the physician must inform the patient about possible ways of treatment, its risks and alternatives.