Thursday, September 10, 2009

Impotence Treatment

One in ten men aged between 20 and 50 years suffer from erection disorders, and problems are increasing with age. But not all are trying to solve the problem of impotence. Sooner or later, this problem affects every man.
Causes of Impotence

Erection in men - a unique process and it has not been studied until the end. Erectile dysfunction may be psychological, hormonal, or vascular in nature.

Impotence - complete lack of erection or so strong it weakened, which makes it impossible to introduce a penis into the vagina. Vascular factors account for up to 60% of all causes of organic impotence.

Impotence is not considered and the first failure with a new sexual partner. Often the reason there may be either overexcitation of the forthcoming sexual intimacy, or fear of failure. Congenital forms of impotence are rare.

Adverse effects on men's health have ionizing radiation, electromagnetic waves of ultrahigh frequency, number of chemicals present in water and foodstuffs.

The probability of impotence increases with age, it is connected with the main causes of impotence: disease, medication, reduced function of the endocrine glands, chronic fatigue, psychological and domestic problems. Medications Raunatin, rauvazan, adelfan and clonidine, appointed in hypertension, may reduce sexual potency. The excessive use of hypnotics and sedatives can also lead to impotence.

Alcohol itself does not cause impotence, but also affects the nervous system, the psyche, the endocrine organs, sex glands, brain, liver and testes. But the inability to perform sexual act because of the large doses of alcohol is not impotence.
Impotence Treatment

Basically impotence is directly linked to vascular disease, especially atherosclerosis. Vascular lesions are among the main causes of impotence. It breaks the flow of arterial blood to the penis and the venous outflow. The first task of the doctor on a male disease, is to determine the nature of impotence. By the way the disease develops, it can be concluded either on organic or psychological cause of impotence. But more often require special study.

When in the world medicine was dominated by a conservative approach to the treatment of impotence, and impotence, the majority of men seeking treatment for impotence to a psychiatrist or sexologist. In recent years, many have resorted to the assistance of a surgeon.

Often, impotence in men is the organic form of the disease. in this case helps to medical or surgical treatment. Already conducted successful operations to restore blood flow to the penis. Impotence may be due to diseases of endocrine glands, and impotence may occur as a result of injuries of the pelvis and the perineum, or operations on the perineum and prostate.

Men's prostate and prostate adenoma often are not direct causes of impotence, but exacerbate disorders of erection.
Organic impotence

Exclude organic causes can be through the study of nocturnal erections. During the night of sleep is 5.6 erections lasting 15-30 minutes. If a patient with complaints during the examination revealed full nocturnal erections, the disease is a functional one. Typically, in this case does not require active treatment. Implementation of the recommendations namely a sexologist can lead to the restoration of erection. If nocturnal erections do not, the disease is organic and sexologist not help. To confirm the nature of organic impotence must conduct additional surveys, including the determination of testosterone and prolactin in the blood. If the diagnosis of organic impotence raised, the physician must inform the patient about possible ways of treatment, its risks and alternatives.

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