When a person has high fever, ear pain or migraines occur frequently - he goes to the doctor and trust him to find a way to get rid of disease. However, there is a problem when faced with that, men all over the world prefer to samoedstvom, destroy relationships with loved ones, to lose faith in themselves, but in no case shall be recognized in the presence of complications. We are talking about erectile dysfunction.
"On average, men have been slow for two years before they come to the doctor. They do not realize that you can not run the disease - from this will only get worse! "- Says Ian Russell, a practicing urologist specialist from Scotland. By the same conclusion reached by U.S. scientists. They calculated that about half of men who had changed his forties, have problems with potency, while only a tenth of them turn to a doctor.
Meanwhile, impotence can and should be treated with the active assistance of a specialist. Have purchased Viagra, etc. drugs alone, you can temporarily get a good effect, in the future to forget about the joy of sexual life. Because very often "male weakness" is merely a consequence and not the main problem.
Causes of Impotence
According to researchers, the most common sexual disorder in men is erectile dysfunction, that is inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual activity. Impotence same, that is complete impotence - is much rarer.
The reasons for impotence quite a lot. First of all, all men are setbacks, and it is perfectly normal. In addition, some drugs affect the potency, and their reception at a time can deprive male power. Your doctor may find an analogue without this side effect, and all return to square one.
But there are more serious causes of impotence, which, however, with the help of a qualified doctor is possible. Men's weakness may be the result of some other disease. The list of the add is quite large: hormonal failure, diabetes, depression, severe stress and other psychological problems. Not so long ago, doctors found that impotence is often a marker originating from heart problems. Andrew McCall, Director of Male Urology, Medical University of New York, led a very good example: "If the kitchen from the tap water is not flowing, it means that either the faucet is broken or clogged pipes. The person "crane" in most cases to blame cholesterol plaques formed in arteries and impede blood flow freely. Therefore, it is important not to lose time and time to see a doctor. For problems with the heart - the most common cause of early male mortality.
Diagnosis of Impotence
A specialist must first make sure that impotence is absolute. Because even if only in 1 case out of 100 all turns out, the reasons will almost certainly be found in the field of psychology.
Doctor identifies a problem with the inspection (for example, testicular length less than 3.5 cm indicates hormonal imbalance). Of all the possible tests detect most violations of blood sugar, because even early diabetes can cause impotence. On the causes of their impotence can not imagine sitting at home, because the general feeling it may be quite normal. Meanwhile, a simple diet is able to return "power" and confidence.
To prevent atherosclerosis measured by pulse rate, then validated reflexes, pain sensitivity and the presence of minor neurological disorders. Moreover, by simple manipulation specialist measured blood flow to the penis.
Impotence Treatment
Treatment of sexual disorders almost always complex. This specialist first thoroughly to find out how and why you had to go to the doctor, and only then will propose a plan for solving problems. If there is another illness, it primarily focuses on it. For treatment, in fact, sexual dysfunction are special medications, vacuum-konstriktornaya therapy, surgery and psychotherapy.
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