Intimate, vaginal, muscle of love "- how often do you pay attention to the development of this group of muscles? How much time do you spend on them compared with a visit to a cosmetologist, shops and fitness rooms? Meanwhile, in matters of women's attractiveness and desirability is their training can play a decisive role.
According to the eyewitnesses, if a woman has mastered these muscles, from the fans (or rather her husband) will not be hanging up regardless of the shape of the figure. However, with the men here? Trained intimate muscles in the first place need their owner. Let's order.
Technology ownership vaginal muscles, known since ancient times - China, Japan and other eastern countries since ancient times in various training and practice for the transfer of skills from generation to generation.
Basically, of course, the muscles trained priestess of love, using stone or wooden eggs - every day for 20-30 minutes. Also, these studies were described in "Kama Sutra", "Tantra", "Dao" and many other ancient treatises.
Current knowledge in this area are associated with two names. This is a gynecologist Kegel and less well-known VL Muranivsky - engineer, inventor of the system vumbuilding (VUM - vaginally administered muscle).
Arnold Kegel
In the late 40-ies of the last century gynecologist Apnold Kegel exercises to decipher The program for the development of perineal muscles. These exercises are designed to help women strengthen their pelvic muscles and to overcome urinary incontinence that occurs sometimes after childbirth.
Many women tone pubococcygeal muscle with age is significantly reduced, which is especially felt after the birth. To bring the process to a surgical intervention, or simply to a better life, Kegel invited women to train the appropriate muscles.
He is also the inventor of the world's first "promezhnostnometra" - the device, the locking force of biological resistance, in other words, the simulator, allowing women to exercise their muscles and to monitor progress in training.
"Kegel exercises" are very popular, and very often under the training intimate muscles means they - although they are aimed only at strengthening certain muscles of the vagina, pubococcygeal (its fibers begin from the pubic bone, surrounding entry into the vagina and reach the tailbone).
Nevertheless, the fortified "input" and improved blood circulation is better than nothing, so we give the exercises recommended by the gynecologist Kegel.
In order to feel above the muscle, try to arbitrarily detain urination. Feel which muscles tense? They are and will continue to train.
Slow compression: Squeeze your muscles as you did to stop urinating. Hold them in a position 5-20 seconds, then relax.
The second option - stifle muscles slightly and hold 3-5 seconds, then a little harder, holds, etc., to its limit. Also relax in stages, pausing for a few seconds at each level.
Abbreviations: Tighten and relax your muscles as quickly as possible.
Popping: potuzhtes down moderately, as a chair or podah VARIATIONS. (Overdo this exercise should not be!)
Start tpenipovki with ten slow contractions, abbreviations, and ten of ten on the ejection five paz a day. Within a week, add five exercises for each action, ppodolzhaya implement them as five paz a day. And so every week until the number of exercises will not reach thirty.
Then ppodolzhayte do at least five episodes per day for poddepzhaniya tone. Ideally, you should perform 150 uppazhneny Kegel every day. Do not forget to breathe naturally and matrix exhibits a homogeneously in Quaternary training.
A nice bonus: These exercises can be performed anywhere, anytime - and this means that they can be combined with work or leisure, and devote time to training because of his tight schedule would be required.
Try not to overdo it in the training process: over-developed vaginal sphincter - a potential condom breakage, uncomfortable sensations in men, as well as the difficulties of flow delivery. However, to achieve such a result could be practicing for the Olympics as most of us, is only the reverse problem - weakness of the vaginal muscles.
VL Muranivsky - Soviet engineer, the creator of vumbuilding and a lot of simulators for these muscles. He argued that trained vumy (vaginally administered muscle) - is: to improve gynecological health: increased blood circulation in tissues, the change of vaginal mucosa by the influx of oxygen to the tissues and the normalization process lubrikatsii (highlight the natural "lubricant").
A healthy mucous - is to increase resistance to infection, disease and microtraumas! Preparations for the minimally painful childbirth, reducing the possible gaps, with the exception of omissions, increasing the volume of vaginal and hemorrhoids.
enrichment of sexual sensation and improve the quality of sexual life and a woman and her partner overjoyed. After the development of intimate muscles increases the sensitivity of the vagina due to increase blood supply of the nerve endings.
In addition, trained vagina increases the intensity of contact with a member that can not affect the perceptions of partners. Good muscle development provides for coitus is not sliding, stress or beat in any place, and the compression-apart of - that is putting strong pressure on the vaginal erogenous zones and nerve endings.
The better-developed muscles, the better, brighter experienced an orgasm, the faster it occurs. Well, of course, a strong vagina and woman's ability to not only cover member, and run over to him a wave, suck in and push it (the worth of trained muscles vagina) can bring a man to unimagined ecstasy.
Opinions girls anyway trains his love muscle in this issue are completely consistent with the opinion of the author vumbuilding:
"I started training a couple of months ago - sex is better, and my boyfriend in ecstasy."
"And I did not know that there are special exercises. I am 15 years old herself unconsciously to the came. I train often - not at home - on the way to work, for example."
"I tried to play week in the muscles. My surprise, he asked:" What are you doing? ", And then was all so tender and gentle ...".
Doing its muscles Muranivsky proposed using special simulators consisting of vaginal cells, coupled with a pear-blower and a pressure gauge. Luggage is divided into several divisions, respectively, which can control the results of training different parts of the muscles.
Buy these simulators (like kegelevskie), can be on the Internet (best done on the original site, so as not to bump into inferior pirated products).
Coaching your muscles can and an old way - by using vaginal balls - conventional or with a displaced center of gravity, or eggs of various materials. For example in China it is a simulator in the form of eggs was considered the most efficient and modern Chinese physicians, as physicians of antiquity, they advise the use of eggs, made of volcanic stone - obsidian, as well as vaginal balls with heavy metal or hard and dense types of wood. These funds are sold in any sex-shop - ordinary or virtual.
Exercises with balls
Before you begin to exercise, learn how to reduce the vaginal muscles are not squeezed while the buttocks and abdominal muscles. When will pan out, start training.
Exercises are done standing. Before using the ball is processed grease. Egg is introduced into the wide side.
Mentally divide the vagina into three parts. Lower part - the muscles covering the entrance of the vagina, as a rule, the most developed - this will be the first part of the exercise. The second part, above - the muscles of the vagina. Here it is necessary to make possible to distinguish every movement of these muscles, to control them and force to move the way you want it. And the third - the upper section of the vagina, directly there, where the cervix. The most difficult and brings the sweetest part of the results.
Enter the ball, try to feel it. Tighten the muscles of the first division. Now take a deep breath and reduce the muscle of the second division, embracing simulator. When it is easy, try to learn how to move the ball up and down and from side to side. Learn how to compress-decompress the ball with different strength. Now, feel and reduce the third division. Try holding a simulator lower division, to push its top.
Toned muscles better every day, especially at first, when you're just trying to give them tone. Be sure to alternate contraction with relaxation, because the muscle fibers is stronger during the holidays.
In the training process can be improved by replacing the simulators more young and smooth. (The most effective are small heavy metal balls with a smooth surface). You can also enter at the same time two balls and learn to push them together.
Another means of "feedback" - their own fingers. With the help of their own fingers, you can perform diagnostics: how much, where and how the contracts which the wall is strong, which is the weakest, where muscle natrenirovanny (they have a ribbed surface), where - no (surface to touch the internal surface of the cheeks).
If you already understand the need of training the muscles of love, do not forget that the body - is a holistic system, and the need to develop the muscles associated with vaginal.
Along with proper workouts vaginal muscles, you can:
-do belly dancing, pilates, yoga (these sports are working on the deep muscles not affected by simple aerobics).
-do exercises to strengthen abdominal muscles, pelvis, buttocks, legs, back.
work with the breath. If you hold your breath when aroused or having sex (as do most unconsciously), full, deep satisfaction you get (try to experiment with holding your breath and normalizing it).
Therefore try to change the frequency of respiration as soon as the excited - it will significantly increase the time of orgasm. Consciously Monitor your breathing during sex. In order to learn this, you can perform the following exercise: Lie on your back, put one hand on your stomach. Slowly inhale, filling the lungs with air, and when you feel the diaphragm, just exhale slowly. While you breathe, the hand on the stomach should rise and fall. Repeat this exercise several times, and then a few minutes, breathing normally.
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