Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Forms Of ED

Forms and causes of erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction may be caused by several kinds of reasons - endocrine, medication, local, neurological and cardiovascular. All this relates to the organic form of erectile dysfunction, when it was due to some change or a violation of the organism. Much more common form of psychological erectile dysfunction, in which the normal sexual life interfere with neuropsychiatric features exclusively male. In addition, almost always problems with erectile dysfunction resulting from organic causes, added a psychological component, which after removing the root causes may go in the first place.

Endocrine causes of erectile dysfunction

Endocrine causes of erectile dysfunction is primarily within hypogonadism - a lack of function of sex glands and lower the production of the male hormone testosterone. In addition to erectile problems in this state, a man sees increase in voice frequency, the cessation of hair growth on face and body, the deposition of fat on the chest, thighs, buttocks. Typically, such changes occur in cases of severe violations of the hormonal system of the human body, and in these cases always need help with an endocrinologist. Fortunately, these diseases are relatively rare.

Other endocrinological cause problems with erectile dysfunction can be a pituitary tumor - one of the most important glands of the human body, which is located in the brain. If the tumor secretes a hormone called prolactin, no other changes in the body, except for persistent erectile dysfunction, will not be celebrated. In this case the diagnosis should not only investigate the hormonal status of man, but also perform CT scans of the brain.

Medication causes of erection disorders

There are several types of drugs that may have an adverse effect on erectile function of male body. Hormonal drugs that block the action of male sex hormones (so-called antiandrogens), as well as preparations female sex hormones cause serious problems with erectile dysfunction due to violation of the hormonal mechanism of its occurrence. Such drugs are usually prescribed only for severe diseases, the most common of which is cancer of the prostate gland. In this case, doctors are guided by the principle of "not to fat," when you first need to extend as much as possible and make life easier for the patient.

However, I personally have known cases where the powerful action of antiandrogens (differently even called castration drugs, I think it is clear why) with a single "good" doctor used in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (better known as adenoma). Whatever you say, help them without a hitch, but all men in terror realized that more established themselves not feel. Fortunately, erectile function recovered rapidly after discontinuing the drug.

Other medication drugs affecting the erection, are all substances with a depressive effect on the cerebral cortex. This was mainly alcohol and narcotic drugs, which besides the impact on the brain caused total depletion of the body, which does not contribute to any of erectile function in particular, no reproduction in general. In such cases, to restore the normal erection requires not only the complete removal of the drug, but also properly held during rekonvolestsentsii.

In addition, there are some medications, according to the pharmacological classification relating to a variety of groups that have the ability to block peripheral nerves responsible for erections. Who knows, for example, that the antihistamines, the most famous member of which is diphenhydramine, for this reason should not take more than 10 days? If the question of a normal erection is not indifferent to you, then the assignment to you of any medication ask your doctor, no matter whether it is of such violations.
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