Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your Life Looks Like Better Now

Help with psychological forms of erectile dysfunction

Treatment of psychological forms of violations of erection should be sexologist - a psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of psychosexual disorders. Throughout the civilized world after the treatment of organic forms of impotence man consults with sexologist and find out what and how it should be done as quickly as possible to restore such an important function of his body. But in Russia, such a practice for several reasons has not been adopted, our men in the best case with a friend in the kitchen for a bottle of beer to share your problems, rather than entrust the doctor is so sensitive information. Therefore, literacy specialists and sexologists in our afternoon with fire not found.

As a result, assistance with forms of psychological erectile problems have to provide those who heals and its organic forms, ie, a urologist. And as in the textbooks of urology methods to restore erections after treatment is not described, and in medical schools, we talk about a variety of things and problems, but not about sexuality had to come up with urologists by a number of techniques to help such patients.

Describe all these methods are not possible, and the need for this no no, because often their knowledge can only harm a person in this situation. To give just an example. A man after an operation on the vessels of the penis observed complete restoration of blood flow in the arteries of the corpora cavernosa, appeared early morning erection, but as a result of strong emotion can not perform sexual intercourse with his wife. In this case, such a patient the doctor said he was not sexually active for some time, say, a month. Simultaneously, the patient's wife warns that in fact it is not so, and said it is only to help her husband as soon as possible to restore the ability of a normal erection. As a result, there is a temptation to the man "forbidden fruit" - the doctor has forbidden, and the desire to eat. Moreover, the wife in every way it is promoted. The excitement disappears, and problems with erection disappear along with him.

But really help the patient in such a situation can only competent urologist who has extensive experience in treating such conditions and help such patients. Remember this if you have to choose a doctor for treatment of erectile dysfunction.

And once again about the most important

* Concluding the article, I want to once again highlight the most important points that need to know about erectile dysfunction, its treatment and prevention.
* From sexual failures no one is immune, so do not take it to heart, and it is better to relax, calm down, a change of scenery and some time later to try again.
* Be sure to consult and go through a thorough examination by a qualified specialist in urology and andrology, if you do not have an erection during masturbation and is not marked the night and morning erections.
* If you are very concerned about recurrent problems with erection during intercourse, you need help literacy sexologist.
* Do not try various artificial means to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. Не стоит продолжать один половой акт более 4 часов, даже если вы способны на это без особых усилий. This is not harmless to the cavernous tissue of the penis, and may eventually cause its sclerosis.
* To minimize the likelihood of erectile dysfunction: Maintain a healthy lifestyle to exclude tobacco, alcohol and drugs, always consult a doctor before taking any medication; Keep a regular sex life without the long periods of abstinence and sexual excesses; necessarily talk to the urologist, If you are injured or undergone surgery to the perineum, or small basin, if you suffer from diabetes or hypertension. If you follow these simple recommendations, you almost certainly awaits a long and full of joy sex life.
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