Saturday, October 31, 2009

So What We Can DO

Vascular causes of erectile dysfunction

This is one of the most common groups of causes. As we have said, during a normal erection to the penis increases sharply inflow of arterial blood, and blood flow through the veins almost completely blocked. Hence, there are two main types of vascular disorders in erectile dysfunction - insufficient arterial inflow and excessive discharge of blood through the veins of the penis. In the first case of erection begins a long, painful, is rarely very high quality, and often the penis is in a certain intermediate position between the state of calm and excitement. In case of violation of venous block on the contrary, stimulation of the penis occurs rapidly, an erection is very good, but very quickly, not allowing complete, and sometimes even initiate sex.

These violations may occur in diseases such as endarteritis, atherosclerosis of aorta and large arteries, aortic aneurysm, varicose veins, resulting in various injuries of the pelvis and the perineum. Unfortunately, the causes of violations of the vascular mechanism of erection to date not been studied well enough so that you can in each case confidently identify the root cause that caused the violation of erectile function.

It is necessary to dwell on problems with erectile dysfunction in hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Erectile dysfunction is when they may be associated with different groups of causes - neurological, vascular, local and medication. This makes treating erectile problems in these diseases is extremely difficult.

Also say a few words about erectile dysfunction in chronic prostatitis. On the one hand, it is due to the overall depletion of the body and is largely psychological factors - after all prostatitis, as is known, often leads to the development of deep depression in men. On the other hand, problems with erectile dysfunction in chronic prostatitis can be caused by involvement in the inflammatory process of nerve bundles responsible for erections, which pass through the prostate gland. To restore normal erectile function to completely cure the disease, or at least make it stable remission. Ideally, such patients after treatment should consult a sexologist.

Psychological causes of erectile problems

However, despite the large number of diseases and conditions that can lead to erectile dysfunction, most often erectile dysfunction is due to the peculiarities of the psyche of men. And if we take into account the fact that any violation of organic erectile function necessarily piling psychological component, then it becomes clear what an important place belongs to psychological causes erection disorders among all other causes.

Erection in men may not appear quickly disappear or be of poor quality, if he has depression, prolonged stress (by the way, did you know that stress - it is a very useful state of the organism, which is training for an athlete, is spurring the work of all vital functions organism, and only brings harm to the prolonged stress? "), fatigue and general poor health, dissatisfaction with himself, as partners, a situation in conflict with partner, sexual habits, and nonconformity claims partners, fear of possible pregnancy or the spread of any infections, most often AIDS. An erection can not occur if sex is in some not provide a sense of calm and security situation (back seat of the car, her parents' home, unlocked cabinet in the office, elevator).

By the psychological form of erectile dysfunction is such a version thereof, as the impossibility of having sexual intercourse with one partner at a constant success with the other (the so-called selective erectile dysfunction). Older men often complain about the lack of or poor quality of erections in sex with his wife, whereas with mistresses erectile problems do not arise. However, I met and the reverse case, when a man is extremely worried that erections occurred only in the marital bed, and with other mates, he invariably suffered fiasco.

Another option for erectile dysfunction caused by psychological characteristics of men, so called, the first meeting. In this case, men with erection problems arise only when the first proximity with a partner, and at all other meetings, all is fine. It is worth to highlight the first sexual intercourse men, in which the excitation is often so great that by the beginning of sexual intercourse body gets tired of it and the erection disappears. For many young people fail at first intercourse (especially if the behavior of the partner and it was not quite correct) is a great psychological blow, and could subsequently lead to great difficulties and problems in this sphere of life.

Dwell more on such a form of psychological erectile dysfunction, as the impossibility of having sexual intercourse with a condom. Policy of many pharmaceutical companies, solidly backed by the influence of the media, leads many young people to the firm belief that sex without a condom is completely unacceptable. Meanwhile, a number of psychological reasons, putting a condom on the penis is for men of a certain stress, which is often completely incompatible with normal erection. Typically, the replacement of a condom other contraceptive method solves this problem.

Finally, labile psyche of men to a situation in which a random failure in the sexual act causes a commotion in the next proximity with a partner, which leads to erectile dysfunction and at this time. Accumulating from time to time, to convince the men in their own inferiority complex might make it an absolute impotent even in his youth. A similar condition can develop after the disease, which has had an impact on erection, when an organic cause dysfunction resolved, but problems with erectile dysfunction were the same.

In most cases, to distinguish between a psychological form of erectile dysfunction from organic not difficult. In the cases described the lack of an erection in some situations, while maintaining it in other, often in the form of psychological erectile dysfunction remains an erection during masturbation and so-called phenomenon of nocturnal penile swelling, or morning erection. Causes of morning erections are still unclear. Some experts argue that it is associated with the effect on prostate-filled bladder, others - with erotic dreams, which allegedly compulsory regular visits to each of us. However, both views can not withstand any criticism - a morning erection often occurs after awakening and can not be called a dream, but, according to the first point of view, an erection should occur at each filling of the bladder, which, to put it mildly, incorrect.
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