Worse rare hair can only be their absence. At least for women. Some men do not concern the length of hair and their status, they like shiny smooth skin of his head, and therefore prefer the bob cut. We will not interfere with their decision - a personal matter, and talk to the judges of beautiful hair.
Many people believe that their own to get rid of their hair - a sacrilege, because often as a result of unfavorable factors hair themselves quickly leave their "home" and drop out. His hair is thinning, become "liquid" rare and not very attractive. What causes hair loss? Let's face it.
Health Care
Hair loss suffer disproportionately male. That they are persistent alopecia under the effect of male hormones. The victims are mostly nadlobnaya, temporal and makushechnaya area. Hair growth in such cases is not renewed. There are several options: first - wait for the "self will disappear, and before that the remaining hair neatly combed, covering his bald head, the second - to join the Special Forces fans and mow under omnipotent savior of the world. If a man is not ready for such drastic changes, then you can contact the clinic for hair transplantation. Hair transplant with the hairy back of the head on the bare plots. Soon hairs take root and go to growth as usual.
Health Master
The cause local hair loss in women may be an excess of male hormones. Such cases are not uncommon. Typically, women appointed by the same procedure for hair transplantation as men.
If you notice that the number of lost hair growing all over the field of hair, you should pay particular attention to their food. Passion monotonous menu leads to disease and hair loss. So far and to baldness. Urgent review your diet and make a choice in favor of products that contain this substance, contributing to the strengthening and growth of hair. When malnutrition is a lack of B-vitamins (found in eggs, milk, broccoli, rice, vegetables, poultry, beans, brewer's yeast), PP - fish, nuts, vegetables, meat, whole-grain bread, as well as trace elements (selenium, zinc , phosphorus, magnesium, calcium).
Drugs Arkansas
Selenium in huge quantities contained in Brazil nuts, then go (with a much smaller rate than Brazil nuts), fried pork kidney, tuna, lamb kidneys, fried, boiled lobsters.
The large content of zinc in oysters there, less than in wheat bran, liver veal sautéed, stewed beef. <
Phosphorus - wheat bran, processed cheese, sesame seeds, pine nuts, almonds
Magni - wheat bran (apparently this is the most essential product for the health of your hair), cashews, soy beans, white beans, etc. <
Calcium. Contrary to popular belief about the presence of large amounts of calcium in milk for example, that the calcium in sesame at least 7 times higher than in milk. Nettle is rich in calcium, sardines in oil, almonds, hazelnuts. So it is not necessary to pour a liter of milk a day is enough bite delicious nuts. <
Hair loss is often associated with disease of internal organs. In general, any negative external manifestations, such as changing the cover of the skin, nails and, of course, hair, serve as a signal of ill health. Usually hair painfully react to diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, blood disorders, as well as gynecological, infectious and sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, cosmetic hair care products will not be enough to find the cause, to undergo treatment, and only then talk about additional procedures for the hair.
Male Impotence
Imbalance of hormones in the body, lack of or overabundance of any hormones may also cause hair loss. Self-excluded. Restore hormonal environment must take place strictly under medical supervision.
Articles About How To Be Healthy
Women as individuals are more impressionable and vulnerable often suffer from hair loss in nervous disorders. Neuralgia, stress, chronic depression - the enemy of hair. So try to be calm, look at the world positively, fun, with humor - it always helps.
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