Diabetes mellitus - a consequence of disruption of the endocrine glands, which play in human life an important role. Disease of the pancreas leads to sad consequences. In the pancreas are clusters of hormone cells, they are not homogeneous, they are responsible for the reproduction of secreting hormones that regulate various metabolic processes in the human body. These cells produce insulin secretion, which is a violation of the quality and quantity leads to diabetes.
Diabetes Type I is subdivided into two subtypes. Subtype A associated with the violation of antiviral immunity and the occurrence of diabetes in this case, is a viral infection that causes a violation of certain cells of the pancreas. Subtypes in various diseases associated with endocrine glands: adrenal hypotension, toxic goiter, lack of function of parathyroid glands, gonads.
Patients with diabetes mellitus type I need to know that insulin, which is prescribed by doctors to "cure" could not cure the disease.
The question of treatment of diabetes type I theory can be resolved only when the possibility of restoring blood flow in certain groups of cells producing insulin. Diabetes mellitus type I is a functional disease, and therefore treatable.
In patients with type I diabetes, in which to "cure" simply was reduced production of insulin by certain cells of the pancreas (ie, there was complete atrophy), which gave a chance and possibility of treatment of diabetes occurs when insulin-resistant total atrophy of the cells producing insulin.
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In the pancreas of diabetes patients is affected only by its insular part, and part of gland that produces pancreatic juices are generally working well.
Diabetes does not occur by itself, the origins of the disease found in the pancreas. And this means that diabetes should begin with cleaning and restoration of the pancreas. The process is long and requires much effort and time.
The question of treatment of diabetes type I theory can be resolved only when the possibility of recovery of collateral blood supply. This is possible only after a rigid coherent body cleansing: colon, liver, pancreas, spleen, blood, lymph. Without these measures, against the background of a correct diet, herbal medicine, electroacupuncture, exercise dose to talk about healing diabetes extent I was not serious.
When treating diabetes, traditional medicine offers plants, affecting the metabolism and function of the endocrine glands. A number of plants contain substances that affect the function of many endocrine glands and effective in the treatment of endocrine diseases, thereby reducing blood sugar.
The advantage of herbs and their connections to the insulin and tablets which lower blood sugar levels, is that they are not of protein nature and easily absorbed by the body without causing him any side effects.
Treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes should begin with the treatment of thyroid cancer, because it is her illness led to the emergence of this disease. The first thing that starts the selection of plant means a plant that recovers the thyroid gland, the main means there is a five-finger white and red brush. The root of these plants used in the form of powder or alcohol tinctures. These herbal preparations can normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, and hence reduce the sugar content in blood. In the complex treatment of diabetes include herbal treatments for diabetes and thyroid, have joined together to derive maximum benefit in treatment.
If insulin-dependent diabetes is running shape, the best way to restore the cells of the pancreas which produce insulin, is - "Timogen, pharmaceutical drug in ampoules. The content of 1 mg instilled into the nose, alternating between the right and left nostril with a time interval of 30-40 seconds. Thus, the entire contents of the buried capsules - a daily dose for an adult. Attention, burrowing "Timogen" must be vigilant to lower blood sugar and urine, as sometimes it happens overnight, and overdose is dangerous! The course of treatment "Timogenom" should not exceed 1.5 months, as hormonal drug, but currently only this drug is able to restore the cells ceased to produce insulin and deliver his body.
Once again I draw your attention that the use of "Timogen held with vigilant monitoring of blood sugar. When it is reduced and kept in a small chapel, then you should not use the entire vial for daylight hours of this drug.
Thus, taking drugs bloodroot white, red brushes and Timogen "you significantly improve your condition is literally the first week of treatment, and the rest only a matter of time and continuous treatment of herbal preparations.
The infusions are used in treatment can be to combine the use of 3-4 items, add water and drink. For example: aconite, red brush, cinquefoil and white kopeechnik Europe, united in the required dosage, is added 30-40 ml of water and drunk. But it is not necessary to connect them in such numbers, they can just rotate. Typically infusions allowed to take without a break on 1-2-3 course. If the function of the thyroid gland is understated, that is (hypofunction), then use the tincture of kerosene or alcohol green walnut or black walnut, it also helps to restore the thyroid gland. Listing on Plant Drugs used to treat diabetes and thyroid glands, which are sent, specified as all prepare and adopt. Change and rotate vegetable remedies specified in the printouts can own, picking up everything that you can buy. Large assortment of herbal products for treatment we can offer: the roots of Potentilla white, lilac buds, grass, celandine, mountaineer bird, Bogorodsky herbs, herbal various charges, twigs of willow, tincture of aconite.
Separately taken herbs or herbal charges used in the treatment, replacing other 3-4 weeks later you can return to them.
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You are kindly requested to contact on the outcome of treatment.
We are writing to you with a big request, if you know any recipes for the treatment of various diseases of the popular methods, and treatment of these ways (means) actually yielded positive results, then report it. Perhaps this will allow someone from the need to cope with the ailment has befallen him.
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