Saturday, November 21, 2009

How to do it properly

As if you did not do, if you and your partner enjoy each other, and the result exceeds your expectations, then all you are doing right.

Generally, it seems, there is no clear guidance on proper labors THIS applicable to all. So, why unroof in some, absolutely not accept others. There are several "fuzzy" truths.

First, you should not probably do it if this is what you do not want. That if we consider the sex not only as a physical and spiritual contact between two loving people, and even as a process of human activity, and compare it with other processes.

Here you do not want you to eat or sleep, and you do not do this, but if you accept the invitation to eat, you feel discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, but if you are forced to sleep myself, a long time tossing and turning in bed, trying to count the next one hundred sheep, the next morning waking up completely broken. The same thing happens with sexual intimacy. You may not want to offend a partner, and simulate desire, but at the same time and orgasm, "give" him. Someone may argue: "How can that be? And is the touch of a loved one does not arouse that same desire, and will not have to pretend? ". Maybe so, but we are all humans and we can really get a headache, tooth, so anything!

Secondly, if you feel discomfort, it is also worth considering. And no matter what - either physical or moral. For example, not all men and all women love to do this during menses. Someone is paying any attention to it, someone finds this special kicks, but if you do not like this, then you should not fret, still can not properly relax.

Or, for example, you have come to the cottage to her parents or her spouse. The summer house has wooden floors are thin, parents - the people of the old school, and you are accustomed to give vent to feelings and emotions. If you are not accustomed to swarm under the blanket as a mouse, and shakes the walls of passionate moans, then pereterpite this weekend, hug and have a good sleep enough. Most impatient can take a chance to do mutual oral sex, provided that the groans are the most quiet.

These two points rather say that there are situations when it is not wrong, but

Uncomfortable or unpleasant.

And right ... Everything that is done in bed - all right, if it gives you two enjoy.

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