Friday, November 27, 2009

Tits - dream of every woman

All the women unanimously dream to have a beautiful chest, believing that it will allow them to significantly differentiate themselves from their own kind, and thereby gain the most attention from men. And the prevalence of such dreams is related to the fact that, objectively, or not, but women who are satisfied with breast, quite a bit.

The only question that each of them involves a beautiful chest, because the requirements for size and shape are presented very different - bigger, smaller, higher ...

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By the size of all relevant individual, and the main thing - avoid extremes. Very lush, although considered, of course, beautiful breasts, and glad of any opinion, not very good especially for the woman herself - quickly sags, causes pain in the back and neck, were discouraged from engaging in sports. There are no problems with small breasts, but that it often leads to inferiority complex and makes one want to change it. The situation changes dramatically when fashion turns to such women face, and announces the small size of the standard of beautiful breasts, which, however, is quite rare - the last time a long time this situation prevailed in the medieval period (not counting the brief era of flat-chested fashion models at the end of last century )! But just for small breast there are so many clever bras, techniques of plastic surgery and silicone implants.

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With the form of women's breasts, too many options. First, there are national peculiarities beautiful breasts - in European Women's breasts have hemispherical shape, with Asian women - the conical, the African women - pear. Known formula for determining ideal breast in the selection of dancers - "the nipple should be at the zenith, the size of the upper chest to the nipple should not exceed one third of the whole." But it sounds easier than the researchers derived a mathematical formula beautiful breasts! So the ideal is pushed back farther and farther: Mathematics - too exact science ...

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Last but not least important criterion beautiful breasts - height and firmness, which depend on the muscle tone of the skin that supports breast cancer who pulled a fan up to the chin. Reducing the tone of the muscles and leads to a stretching of the skin and sagging breasts over time. Specifies the height of the breast easy way - placed under the chest pencil. If he falls, then everything is perfect; will - hence the problem of breast swayed already exists.

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Thus, beautiful breasts is generally recognized as a young, tall and supple, which, in fact, is the property of many women, but ... only youth! Tits is no longer with age, pregnancy and childbirth, with the stoop, weight fluctuations, when changing the content of fatty tissue in the breast. Therefore, in most cases, the problem of a beautiful bosom is not so much in its buying, how much to preserve. And this can be achieved continuous care of a beautiful chest, from his early youth.

First of all - the daily washing chest in a circular motion with a linen gloves soaked in cold water. With withering breast she can help contrasting wraps, combining hot and cold salted water acidification. After childbirth and breastfeeding, to prevent stretching of beautiful breasts, you can apply elastic bandage bandaging his chest - twice around the body below the chest on the left breast crosswise over his right shoulder and around his neck, then over the left shoulder, crossed at right chest.

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If the home means the struggle for a beautiful chest does not help - at your disposal two ways: in the beauty salon for many procedures designed to improve skin tone and to extend the young and beautiful breasts, or immediately in the plastic surgery clinic for a radical and long-term restoration of the size, shape and elasticity of the beautiful breast. As always, the final choice is yours ...

Breast augmentation. Mammaplasty.


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At present, there surgical techniques that improve the shape and increase a woman's breasts, to recreate it, or return to previous form.

First place among cosmetic breast surgery is increasing breast. Increased breast achieved by running endoprosthetic breast cancer using different types of implants, the main requirement is that their high quality.

Designed for the growing and reconstructive mammoplasty, breast prostheses, consist of a shell made of silicone elastomer and silicone gel components. To meet the diverse needs of patients, prosthetic breast is a great variety of designs and sizes.

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Breast Enlargement - breast prostheses.

The surgeon must accurately determine the size, contour, location of the cut and the location of the implant, taking into account the anatomical features of the patient and the desired result. Planning should include a clear understanding of the aesthetic purpose to ensure mutual understanding between the surgeon and patient.

Modern methods for performing cosmetic seams make them virtually invisible - seam under the breast will look like a trail of bra. No need to try to short cut, better filamentary suture 4-6 cm than short and wide. Incision along the border of the areola is also a hardly noticeable. Prostheses, breast cancer, as round or anatomical, can be installed through any operational access, so the cut depends on the choice of the patient and operating surgeon preference.

Prosthetic breasts when they hypoplasia.

Everything you wanted to know about breast prosthetics.

As far as breast prostheses are reliable and safe?

The materials used in production are multi-stage chemical cleaning is used exclusively "pure" medical silicone. The shell of the implant not break, even if you stand up on her leg. More surprising than the mechanical strength, is the special structure of the shell - the presence of the barrier layer, which is not "lets" molecule on the surface of silicone. Through all this, breast implants are absolutely bioinertny, and do not cause any harm to the body.

What is the difference of anatomical implants round?

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From anatomical implants can truly individual approach to the "Breast geometry" of each patient is taken into account height, width and projection of the breast. Anatomical implants are chosen so that not only increase the breast, and change the parameters of aesthetic perception - may make the waist and hips visually already. If you want to significantly increase the breast, but to preserve the natural shape - anatomical implants will be better as weaknesses round prostheses are more visible at large sizes. However, a good surgeon can make a beautiful, natural-looking breasts as round or anatomical implants.

How will natural breast after prosthesis?

Most likely, you worried about what will be the chest to look at and touch. Modern prostheses and methods of installation can accurately simulate the natural breast. If you're skinny and you have practically no own breast tissue, you will be able to probe the edges of any of the implant after surgery, which, however, is not a disadvantage - you simply cease to notice it. Of course, natural in many respects depends on the shape and size of the implant.

Will there be visible scars?

Modern methods for performing cosmetic seams make them virtually unnoticeable. With a favorable outcome of the scar under the breast will look like a trail of bra. No need to seek short-scar, better filiform scar 4-6 cm than short and wide. Incision along the border of the areola is also a hardly noticeable. Prostheses, breast cancer, as round or anatomical, can be installed through any operational access, so place the scar depends on you and your operating surgeon.

Can I walk with prosthetics in a sauna, fly in airplanes, etc.?

If you are having similar issues, it means you have read the "yellow press". Implanted breast will not affect your normal life. In the postoperative period, you may have to abandon certain types of physical activity, but not for long.

For how many years are designed prosthetic breast cancer? What happens in ten years, with age?

Implants are much more durable and less prone to age-related changes than your own tissue. Implants can "port" only if the shell formed folds - the folds in the jacket wear. Therefore, anatomic implants, filled with highly cohesive gel are more durable because they do not form folds independently of the state of tissues. We still know that, with age, under the weight of all implants, breast tissue can stretch (this trend depends on your constitutional peculiarities), and may require additional correction.

Can I breastfeed after a breast prosthesis?

Themselves prosthesis does not affect the process of breastfeeding. According to the Declaration EQUAM: "Silicone implants do not cause side-effects either during pregnancy or during fetal development or during breast-feeding." Today, surgical implants and installation technique is gentle and should not affect the breast tissue. There is another point: if you make an increase in prosthetic devices, and then plan to breastfeed, your breast size and condition of the tissues after feeding may change, and already fitted prosthesis may be inadequate.

What is a textured surface, it is better than smooth?

Imlantanty past generations, with a smooth shell "suffering" high risk "has solidified his chest. This process is called capsular contracture, and depends on many factors, one of the key - a smooth surface of the shell, which provokes the patient's own tissue, ie capsule around the implant to shrink and become firm. It turned out that the "rough" surface, in contrast to the smooth, substantially reduces this risk. Moreover, it turned out that not every "roughness" is working. Need a given pore size, roughness. For example, the company uses patented McGhan the right size, calling its texture BIOCELLTM. Only the texture McGhan provides "ingrowth" tissue prosthesis, its strong hold and is guaranteed to lower the risk of capsular konraktury.

What do you mean high, medium and low-profile implants? Can be confusing, you should remember that the profile - this is just the ratio of the diameter of the prosthesis and front projection. What kind of projection you need? It is best to use such specific terms. So, you need a certain amount, a certain diameter and a certain projection. Catalog can be found exactly or close variant, and the name of the profile - it is as the name of the style or brand - a relative thing, there is little relevance to you personally.

Indications for prosthetic breast cancer.

• Unilateral and bilateral hypoplasia of the mammary gland.

• Reconstruction of the breast cancer patients with adequate tissue coverage following the mastectomy or injury.

• asymmetry, ptosis or abnormal development of the mammary gland.

• Replacement of implants for medical or cosmetic reasons.

• Congenital malformation of breast cancer.

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Contraindications for prosthetic treatment of breast cancer.

• Active infection.

• Breast cancer without mastectomy, and significant remnants of the local breast cancer after mastectomy.

• Progressive fibrocyst without a subcutaneous mastectomy.

• Ptosis breast (the nipple is below the inframammary crease) without concomitant mastopexy.

• Physiological conditions which, by definition, the surgeon can cause unnecessarily high risk of surgical or post operation complications. Obesity, smoking, diabetes, autoimmune response, coagulopathy, chronic lung disease or severe cardiovascular disease, with varying degrees can affect the ability to install implants.

• Use of drugs that can lead to high-risk surgical and / or post operating complications, including drugs that affect blood clotting.

• The patient is exhibiting signs of psychological instability (ie, incorrectly refers to the operation, or has no corresponding motivation).

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