Saturday, November 21, 2009


Laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. It may be acute or chronic.
Acute Laryngitis rarely isolated. Usually this is one of the manifestations of acute respiratory disease, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough, etc. Its Development contributed to the general and local hypothermia, strained voice, the inhalation of dusty air, irritating fumes and gases, errors in diet, smoking, alcohol abuse.
Symptoms for. The feeling of dryness, tickle, sadneniya, scratching in the throat, dry cough at first, and later accompanied by a discharge of mucus, the voice becomes hoarse, rough, or completely silent and sometimes pain when swallowing, headache and mild fever. Duration of the disease usually does not exceed 7-10 days. Under adverse conditions, can move in subacute or chronic form. When laryngoscopy note diffuse hyperemia and edema of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Voice folds thickened, hyperemic, they are lumps of viscous mucus, with phonation they do not merge completely. When flu possible hemorrhage in the mucosa (the so-called hemorrhagic pharyngitis). If pathological changes are observed only on one side of the throat and laryngitis had a protracted course, it is necessary to exclude tubercular, syphilitic lesion, the tumor.
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Treatment. Removing the causes of the disease. To complete the rest of the larynx within 5-7 days the patient being advised not to talk. Prohibit smoking, alcoholic beverages. Should also eliminate sharp condiments, spices. Are useful warm drink (milk, mineral water), gargle decoction of chamomile or sage, warm alkaline inhalation, inhalation of aerosols of antibiotics, warm on my neck (bandage or a hot compress), hot foot bath (42-45 "C for 20-30 min).
When coughing prescribe codeine ipekakuanu. Applied as physiotherapy methods: solux on the front surface of the neck, ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis of novocaine in the area of the larynx, UHF and microwave therapy.
Acute Laryngitis special, stenosing laryngitis (false croup), see the chapter "Children's disease."
Chronic Laryngitis usually occurs under the influence of the same causes as acute inflammation, but has permanent and long-term. As a result of disrupted trophic tissue and developing dystrophic process. Depending on the nature of these disorders are distinguished bluetongue, hypertrophic and atrophic forms of chronic laryngitis.
Chronic catarrhal laryngitis is accompanied by chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, often diffuse.
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Symptoms. Hoarseness, voice fatigue, a sense tickle, sadneniya in the throat, periodic cough with phlegm. All these features increase with worsening laryngitis. When laryngoscopy is seen diffusely thickened, moderately flushed mucosa, vocal folds are thickened, they injected the blood vessels are visible, sometimes mentioned as paresis of the internal muscles of the larynx that appears to incomplete closure of the glottis during phonation.
Treatment. Gentle voice mode, with the exception of factors that contribute to disease, oil and alkaline inhalation, inhalation of aerosols of antibiotics, elimination of errors in the diet, the prohibition of smoking and drinking. When you cough - codeine. Useful warm drink (milk, mineral water). Effective application of physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, microwave therapy, electrophoresis of novocaine in the area of the larynx, solux, ultraviolet irradiation of the front surface of the neck).
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Chronic hypertrophic laryngitis is characterized by the growth of the epithelium and submucosal layer. May be limited or diffuse.
Symptoms. Hoarseness, sometimes extending up to Mount Athos, feeling uncomfortable, burning sensation, sadneniya in the throat, cough with worsening laryngitis. When laryngoscopy - a uniform thickening of the mucous membrane of the larynx, more pronounced in the field of vocal folds. In a limited way determined by hyperplasia of individual sections of the mucous membrane of the larynx, vocal cords more or vestibular folds, podskladochnogo space mezhcherpalovidnoy area. Should differentiate from specific infectious granulomas (tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.) and tumors.
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Treatment is the same as in chronic catarrhal laryngitis. In addition, after anesthesia of the mucous membrane of the larynx solution of cocaine or dikaina reactive sites sear 3-5% silver nitrate. Lots pronounced hyperplasia endolaringealno removed surgically.
Chronic atrophic laryngitis as thinning and atrophy of the mucous membrane of the larynx. As a rule, is one component of the atrophic process in the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.
Symptoms. The feeling of dryness, tickle, sadneniya in the throat, dry cough, hoarseness. At laryngoscopy mucosa looks thinner and dry, covered with a thick mucus, sometimes with dried into crusts. With the strong cough may depart crusts with streaks of blood.
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Treatment is mainly symptomatic. Are alkaline, and inhalation of oil, lubrication of the larynx Lugol's iodine solution in glycerol. For the best crust you can assign a discharge of inhalation of aerosols of proteolytic enzymes (himopsin, chymotrypsin, etc.).

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